Thursday, April 23, 2015

Catching Up: Black Hours

The certificates' winners name as well as the signatures at the bottom were filled in using gold.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Catching up: Black Hours

Big 25th anverssary of the local group so I was asked if I could do the invitation and champion certificates in a black hour style.

After trying several inks and different paints, I settled on using watered down talons gouche paint. I used black art board as my support. Calligraphy and illumination was done with a dip pen, a 1mm Brause nib and a pointed nib for all the lines.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Playing Catch up

It's been several busy months. I've managed to get several new pieces done  since I last posted.

A good fried ask me if I could do a really nice letter of intent to fight in a Queen's champion tourney, he would provide the text... The image above is the third different attempt to execute this project. The first two designs had room for painted decorations and just didn't work. This third attempt came about from just playing with a calligraphy pen and the text.