Friday, February 18, 2011

County Scroll & Research

The County Scroll is pretty much finished.  All that's left is to give it a good look over after not working on it for several days and get signatures for it.  I think it turned out really well and pictures of it will be posted later as I'm not sure how much of a surprise it's supposed to be.

Besides books on period clothing/weaving/spinning/ect that I've been reading to help my Wife research garb or medieval clothing, I've also started reading The Palaeography of Gothic Manuscript Book, From the Twelfth to Early Sixteenth Century by Albert Derolez.  So far it's a really good read.  I have had to look up a few terms that I wasn't familiar with.  I'm about half way through with the book so far and looking forward to reading the rest of it.


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